Download Scorched 3D Mac latest Version


Scorched 3D is a revision of an old turn-based combat game. Eliminate the enemies from your own combat tank. Download Scorched 3D free on your computer 

Scorched 3D is a revision of the game that was once so popular at the beginning of the 80's, known as Scorched Earth. It is a rather simple title with which the main objective is to eliminate all the enemies that we encounter in the different scenarios (small islands with different decorations) by aiming our cannon shots properly with our tank. ��We will have various game modes available (a single player mode and a multiplayer mode over the Internet), a dozen scenarios and several vehicles. The playability is rather simple, thus making it ideal for players of all ages and without worrying about their computer knowledge, because by simply moving the mouse we will be able to change any aspect at all of our tank. ��The most noteworthy element of this small game are its graphics, because since they are in 3D, they provide scenarios with great depth and viewing options. ��If you like Scorched Earth a few decades ago, here is the chance to rediscover it, thanks to Scorched 3D. 

Excellent turn-based combat game 

126 MB | Mac  | FREE 


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